Hey guys! It seems it’s that time again! There’s a new Christmas Rage in the Holiday Gallery, by Serena pencilerStéphane Degardin! Serena is ready for the New Year, and you won’t believe what we have in store for the Series in 2022! It all begins in Worlds of Rage #9!
As for the news, Rage #6 is still in being colored by Marvel’s Dijjo Lima and should be ready in a few months (depending on his time, and my capacity to order pages each month), and five Black and White pages of Rage #7 have already been done by Alex Nascimento. As for Worlds of Rage #9, Serena’s Black and White Pages are almost finished, and Arcana’s pages are being done by great new penciler Walmir Archanjo, from Yonami’s 137 Studio!
As always, things are slower than I would like. The books are selling better, but still mainly depends on my budget, and the time the Rage Artists have on their hands.
OK, let’s not forget that the lettering and the whole production of the books is done exclusively in Affinity Publisher, Affinity Designer and Affinity Photo. In between the creation of new books, I am updating all the old versions of the previous ones in Affinity Publisher. Once this is done, I am planning to post a few tutorials and videos about how to create comics using only Affinity software.
And without further ado, here’s the Christmas Gallery! Merry Christmas to you all!