As if werewolves weren’t enough, Serk and Erasmus join the fight against the Rage Team! The action doesn’t stop until the very end of this issue, written by Eric Peyron, with art & cover by Alex Nascimento, and colors by Dijjo Lima!
Rage; The legendary Bane of Demons – along with High Mage Nicodemus, Princess Ariane, and Tuk have all been sent on a new quest by Kothas, King of Arthkan.
Having learned that Tuk is in possession of a powerful lucky charm that was once his – the Bracelet of Chance – and magically unable to take it by force, the sorcerer Erasmus has been trying to no avail to convince the little vagrant to give it to him. Following Rage and his companions closely, Erasmus and the werewolf Serk have devised a plan to isolate Tuk. After ordering Serk to change a group of soldiers into werewolves, Erasmus then boosted their powers and sicced the creatures on Rage, believing Tuk would be able to survive their onslaught by sheer luck. Erasmus would then have a better chance of persuading Tuk to give him the Bracelet.
But an ominous thought is crawling inside the sorcerer’s mind: isn’t all this a little too much, even for Tuk? What if the bracelet gets lost in the slaughter? Poisoned by doubt and dread, Erasmus is running toward the camp with Serk, to help Tuk escape.
This issue is a digital exclusive, and will be sent to select digital publishers. It has been compiled with Issue #3 into the Rage Compilation #2 printed book, available here.
Here are all the publishers of this issue in alphabetical order! Just hover on each icons to display their names, and click to display the corresponding Page!
Rage in Public Libraries
Nextory being the provider of its digital library for many public and private organisms in France, most notably Public Libraries, you will find below a list of those who offer this issue, in alphabetical order.