Hot on the heels of Issue #2, here comes the third issue of Worlds of Rage, with the third chapter of Serena, by Eric Peyron and Stéphane Degardin, the second chapter of Arcana, by Eric Peyron and Yonami, and the third part of the very first Rage Strip, Curse of the Panthermen, by Eric Peyron and Stéphane Degardin.
A lot is happening behind the scenes in the Rage Universe, and many stories are still left to be told. Most of these stories will be told in Worlds of Rage.
• Serena: While Serena is travelling with Orin to the village of Trall, another Serena is fighting mercenaries. Meet the second Serena, the priestess with an attitude! Same name, same clothes, but a totally different person. And she’s not the type to heal you with herbs.
• Arcana: Brann of Dubrios finally reaches Arvenskar Castle, and is about to meet its master.
• The Rage Universe isn’t limited to the European Kingdom of Arthkan. Events are beginning to unfold in Kusha, the African continent of the Rage Universe, which will ultimately have an impact on the Rage Series. The origin of these events will be told in the very first Rage Strip, Curse of the Panthermen, and it all begins in a tunnel, in the diamond mines of the Bathu City. After the accidental death of one of the guards, three slaves are set on a path to liberty. But all is not what it seems, as one of the slaves begins to develop a taste for conquest.
• Discover more Black and White and Color pages of Rage Bane of Demons, the original Rage Graphic Novel, in the Bonus Pages section!
This issue is a digital exclusive, and will be sent to select digital publishers. Each series will be compiled into printed books when there will be enough material.
Here are all the publishers of this issue in alphabetical order! Just hover on each icons to display their names, and click to display the corresponding Page!
Worlds of Rage in Public Libraries
Nextory being the provider of its digital library for many public and private organisms in France, most notably Public Libraries, you will find below a list of those who offer this issue, in alphabetical order.