Stéphane Degardin has done many things for the Rage Project: He has drawn the entire Rage Strip Curse of the Panthermen, which was originally a strip designed for smartphones, and is now a regular feature of the Worlds of Rage Series. Then he basically saved Rage #1, by drawing and coloring himself the last pages. Without Stéphane, I would still wait for Alan Quah to finish the pages when he finds the time. Stéphane entirely colored Rage #2, and is currently working on the Art of the Serena Series in Worlds of Rage.
Trained as an Advertising Designer, Stéphane discovered comics when he was very young, with renowned artists such as Jack Kirby, Cabu and Franquin. After having tried many different facets of the Visual Arts (Pattern Design for wallpapers, Ad Creation, and many others), he came back to his first love: Comic Books. Stéphane participated in many magazines, among them adults-only magazines (and no, he’s not ashamed of it) by realizing illustrations and strips. After a long time working using traditional media, Stéphane has recently been upgraded. Now Penciller 2.0, the stylus has replaced his pencils & brushes, but he is still missing the smell of ink…
I am trying to follow the work of all the artists who participated in the Rage project, and it’s not always easy. Luckily, many publishers are updating regularly their Author Pages. Here is a little gallery of what I could find about Stéphane Degardin: