Spinning off from the Rage Series, the first issue of this anthology series features the first chapter of Serena, a story written by Eric Peyron, with Art by Stéphane Degardin, the intro of Arcana, written by Eric Peyron, with pencils by Yonami, inks by Emanuel Braga, and colors by Cesar Edgar, and the first part of the very first Rage Strip Curse of the Panthermen, by Eric Peyron (him again!?), with Art by Stéphane Degardin.
A lot is happening behind the scenes in the Rage Universe, and many stories are still left to be told. Most of these stories will be told in Worlds of Rage.
• Serena is the story of a young priestess of Axliom, God of Nature and Plants, who has been sent on a secret mission by her temple. Travelling in the Arthkanian forests surrounding the village of Trall, Serena is going to face more than her fair share of dangers.
• While High Mage Nicodemus was looking for Rage in Dark God Mountain, four powerful lords were making plans to take over King Kothas’ throne. Discover the uncanny adventures of Ennis, Baron of Mendor, Arlin, Count of Dubrios, Lorne, Count of Orbis, Aldaro, Duke of Calbriga, and Seer Khain Alhazred in Arcana, as they uncover the many mysteries of the Rage Universe…
• The Rage Universe isn’t limited to the European Kingdom of Arthkan. Events are beginning to unfold in Kusha, the African continent of the Rage Universe, which will ultimately have an impact on the Rage Series. The origin of these events will be told in the very first Rage Strip, Curse of the Panthermen!
This issue is a digital exclusive, and will be sent to select digital publishers. Each series will be compiled into printed books when there will be enough material.
Here are all the publishers of this issue in alphabetical order! Just hover on each icons to display their names, and click to display the corresponding Page!
Worlds of Rage in Public Libraries
Nextory being the provider of its digital library for many public and private organisms in France, most notably Public Libraries, you will find below a list of those who offer this issue, in alphabetical order.