The first issue of the Rage Compilation Series contains Rage #1 and Rage #2! This series will be available exclusively in print at Amazon, and digitally on Kindle. Since it’s an Amazon exclusive, I have also put it on KDP Select, so that Kindle subscribers could read it for free.
The reason I created this new Rage Compilation series is purely technical. The printed versions of Rage are created using Amazon Kindle’s Print-on-demand service. Print-on-demand is a great solution for paperbacks with many pages. The Rage Bane of Demons Graphic Novel is 60+page, so its price isn’t low, but still OK. The first issue of the Rage Series is 30+page, its price was higher proportionally, but I managed to sell it at conventions, so I suppose it was still OK. The problem of Rage #2 is that it’s a 20+page comic. I tried to keep the number of pages to the minimum allowed by Kindle, and the price was so high proportionally, that I could only put it on sale in Amazon Europe Stores.
The price of Rage #1 and #2 having been lowered as much as possible, the margin on these books is also very low. To actually make a profit on books when I go to conventions, each book has to have a number of pages of at least 60, so, the only solution was to compile these two issues to make it a 60+ page book.
The good news is that you have a brand-new Rage cover by Carlos Paul, and that it is the only Rage book available to Kindle subscribers. And if you don’t own Rage #1 and #2 yet, it will be cheaper to buy this compilation on Kindle!
Here are all the publishers of this issue in alphabetical order! Just hover on each icons to display their names, and click to display the corresponding Page!
Additonal Info

The Amazon button above will lead you to this issue’s Page at Amazon US, but if you don’t live in the US, you can order it at the Amazon Store of your country. The Kindle version is offered for free to every buyer of the printed version on Amazon! Here are the links so far: Amazon AU, Amazon BR, Amazon CA, Amazon DE, Amazon ES, Amazon FR, Amazon IN, Amazon IT, Amazon JP, Amazon MX, Amazon UK, Amazon US.

Of course, if Rage is in print at Amazon, it’s on the Kindle too! Actually, it’s even on KDP Select, which means it’s free for every Kindle Subscriber! You can find the digital version of this issue at the Amazon Store of your country. Here are the links so far: Amazon AU, Amazon BR, Amazon CA, Amazon DE, Amazon ES, Amazon FR, Amazon IN, Amazon IT, Amazon JP, Amazon MX, Amazon NL, Amazon UK, Amazon US.