Hey! The Rage Website has passed the 10 years threshold! Can you believe it? Me neither! 10 years ago, I was launching the Rage Website, and posting my Help Rage find its penciller Ads in all the Comic forums I knew. 10 years later, I have created a Rage graphic novel, 3 issues of the Rage Series, and 3 issues of Worlds of Rage, its anthology companion, which is… not much. But I’m still at it, and still hoping to make something of this project, at some point. So, what’s happening on the Rage Front?
Alex Nascimento has drawn and inked all the pages of Rage #4, and I have begun to write and letter the dialogs. The colors are taking some time, and depend on Dijjo Lima’s planning, but I’m pretty sure they won’t be long in coming. And of course, Rage #5 is now in the making.
Worlds of Rage #4 is still in the making too. The Serena pages are being done by Stéphane Degardin, and I’ll begin writing and lettering it as soon as he’s finished.
And there’s also a book in the making. A real one, this time. It will be an interactive adventure book, featuring all the Rage characters introduced so far, and a lot more! The story will take place right after Rage #6, and you’ll understand when you read it why it could only be written as an Interactive Adventure Book. My first idea was to make it an RPG, but like the Rage Card Game at the time, I thought about all my readers who don’t quite like playing RPGs, and will need to know what happens in between Rage #6 and #7. Making it first an IAB, and then adapting the story into an RPG was the best solution. I’ll tell you more about it when Rage #6 is out.
Those who follow the Rage Website might have noticed it is being updated each week, one step at a time. There are a few new sections now, like the Fan Zone section and the Signings Gallery, and a few galleries are yet to come, as well as a few new sections like the Rage Mugs Page (yes, now there are Rage Mugs). Once the site is complete, I will at last update the Rage Patreon Page, with new gifts and surprises, and post more news.
And what’s next? More collectors and a more books. Affinity Publisher is nearing its release, and I’m going to have fun creating books, at last.
Oh Yeah! I forgot the Rage App! The new Rage App is still on standby. I am waiting for Apple to stabilize its Swift language first, which seems to take a little longer than expected. Then, I’ll be back to programming. The Rage App, which has been available on the iTunes Store for a time, featured a lot of functionalities, most notably a little Rage Card Game, which unveils a new story happening in the Rage Universe. I developed this App myself at the time, but it is in need of an update, and has since been erased by Apple because of it. Instead of an update, I am going to completely redesign the App in Apple Swift (Apple’s new programming language), but it will take time. The Rage Card Game Chapters are now a regular feature of the new Worlds of Rage anthology series under the title Arcana, so that those of you who don’t have an Apple device or the App can read it too.