Can’t believe it’s been eight years since I launched the Rage Website! So what’s new this year? Well, if you haven’t visited this site for a while, you will see a lot of things are new! Most of it the site itself, which is now in version 3.0 and made in WordPress. Worpress is a very powerful tool for building sites. Design-wise, it’s hell to work with, but it’s still easier than trying to develop an App in Xcode, so I’m getting the hang of it quickly enough (seeing the few hours a week I can spare to work on the site). The site is still in Beta, and I still need to add many pages to it (and publishers too! All the publishers are still not listed in the Books Pages!), but as I saw November the 19th looming on the horizon, I had to at least dress it up it a little, so I gave priority to the Presentation Page. The site is far from complete and many items have to be changed, but it does look better.
You can check in the slides of the Presentation Page what have been done so far in these seven years. For now, Rage Bane of Demons, Rage #1, and the Rage Portfolio 2012 are available. Worlds of Rage #1 is finished, and will be available as soon as Rage #2 is finished too. The Rage #2 pages are finished! A few color pages remain to be corrected, but I’m pretty sure this issue is going to be out by the end of the year.
And Rage’s popularity is growing too! This year, I have been invited by the French Geek Movement at the Hero Festival, in Marseille, France, and this has been one of the best festival I participated in! Never sold that many issues, and everyone was absolutely great! I hope to be here next year too, with at least one more issue of Rage and the first issue of Worlds of Rage (and maybe even a Rage collector or two, who knows?)
OK, well, I have some trouble believing it myself, but next year is actually looking great for Rage! As soon as we finish Issue 2, we’ll begin working on Issue 3 with Alex Nascimento, and on Worlds of Rage 2 with Stéphane Degardin and Yonami. I’ll keep you all posted!