Yeah, you read it right, it’s time for the annual Rage News! Here is where I cut and paste last year’s news, and update it a little because almost nothing happened in one year! OK, just kidding. Almost. So, as always, let’s see what’s happening on the Rage Front!
Alex Nascimento has drawn and inked all the pages of Rage #5, and I have begun to write and letter the dialogs. The colors are taking some time, and depend on Dijjo Lima’s planning, but I’m pretty sure they won’t be long in coming. And of course, Rage #6 is now in the making.
Worlds of Rage #5 is still in the making too. The Serena pages are being done by Stéphane Degardin, and I’ll begin writing and lettering it as soon as he’s finished.
Well, OK, I just cut and pasted this text from last year’s news, and updated the Issues’ numbers…
And there’s also a book in the making! A real one, this time. It will be an interactive adventure book, featuring all the Rage characters introduced so far, and a lot more! The story will take place right after Rage #6, and you’ll understand when you read it why it could only be written as an Interactive Adventure Book. My first idea was to make it an RPG, but like the Rage Card Game at the time, I thought about all my readers who don’t quite like playing RPGs, and will need to know what happens in between Rage #6 & #7. Making it first an IAB, and then adapting the story into an RPG was the best solution. I’ll tell you more about it when Rage #6 is out.
Huh-oh. Almost the exact same text as last year. Still didn’t manage to have Rage #6 done in time, so this is still news…
On to the Rage Website! As a few of you might have noticed, there is now a new menu called Rage Universe, with only one entry for now : Rage Timeline. I began working on the timeline roughly at the same time that I worked on the book. At first, it was a personal project supposed to help me write, but when I finished the timeline, I realized the Rage stories were so rich that I had to make it a feature of the Rage Website. Then, I began working on Character files, Settings, etc. and it became the premise for something more, so other features are coming, and probably a series of books too! As soon as I finish adding images to the timeline, I’ll work on new entries.
The Rage Timeline will be regularly updated along with the publication of each new story occurring in the Rage Universe. Needless to say the Rage Timeline is spoiler-free for those who have read every published books so far, and spoilers-heavy for those who didn’t, so read it at your own risk. Expect more news about this project as I write more pages.
And what’s next? More collectors and a more books! Affinity Publisher is here at last, and its latest version is a lot better than the beta version, so now, I’m spending my free time recreating all my existing books in Publisher. As soon as it’s done, I’ll work on more books. I’ll tell you all about it when we get there.
I’m also going to try myself at Swift App development for macOS, iPhone, iPad & Apple Watch, and see if I can manage to create a Rage-related App. Creating a new book App wouldn’t seem a good idea, since it will be rejected by the App Store team, but developing a Rage Library or a new version of the card game isn’t out of the question. I’ll keep you posted as I go along.
See you on Christmas!