Hey guys! Long time no see! The new Rage Website is almost finished, but not quite yet. As you may have noticed, a few of the artists are missing, most notably the artists of the Rage Card Game which was a feature of the Rage Bane of Demons App, and there’s a reason for that. The App Store App has been erased by Apple “because of problems”, and of course, I noticed it only recently when I connected to my developer account to sign an updated agreement (why send me an email about this, after all? It would have spoiled the surprise…). That said, the App really had problems, the main one being that it hadn’t been updated in a few years, and wasn’t compatible with a few Apple devices. I am still planning to remake it entirely in Swift (the new Apple language) with even more features, but I am not there yet. So no more App, and no more Rage Card Game for now (under its current form that is), but expect some news about Rage Apps in a year or so.
In the meantime, here are news about the Rage Series:
– Rage #3: 10 pages have already been drawn by Alex Nascimento, and 5 more are in the making! I expect this third issue to be out before the end of the year. I would have created 2 issues a year with Alex, but my finances aren’t that good right now, so I suppose there’ll be only one book this year too…
– Worlds of Rage #2: The 4-page Serena story has entirely been drawn by Stéphane Degardin, as well as the entire Curse of the Panthermen strip. The updated Arcana pages will follow soon.
I will also be signing at Des Calanques et des bulles (Luminy, Marseille, France) this week-end. See the Conventions Calendar for more info.
And that’s all the news for this time. I’ll try to post news more regularly once the site is finally finished.