Rage #2 is now available at ComiXology! Full Moon is looming over the horizon! And it’s not a good sign for Rage, Nicodemus, Ariane and Tuk. Our unlikely heroes are on a quest that will lead them to the fabled Many Angled Land, but their ennemies aren’t far behind. Be there for the first part of a new Rage Saga with werewolves! Lots of werewolves! Written by Eric Peyron, drawn by new official Rage artist Alex Nascimento and colored by Stéphane Degardin.
And that’s not all! The whole Rage collection is available at ComiXology. You’ll find the very first Graphic Novel Rage Bane of Demons, Rage #1, and very soon the first issue of Worlds of Rage! Rage #2 is cheaper than most of the digital comics out there, and all the money made from this issue will help us release Rage #3 faster, so if you like the Rage stories, spread the word!